14 Tips for Keeping Your Office Space Clean

A clean workspace improves productivity, maintains focus, and welcomes every employee, customer, and guest with the utmost warmth. If proper cleaning is done at the end of every day, the next morning, your office will feel refreshed, re-energized and ready to tackle a new day.

Fortunately, a deep clean is rarely needed to keep an office space clean. Most of the time, it’s just the little things that can make a world of difference.

Here are some key tips for keeping your office space clean.

Tip #1: Clean Every Day After Work

There is no clean office if there is not a comprehensive cleaning schedule that you can commit to. Identify precisely what needs to be done and what those tasks are, and assign a person in the office responsible for following through on them.

Tip #2: Use Small Desk Organizers Liberally

Set yourself upright using small desk organizers, clips, little shelves, drawer organizers, and more to hold and separate items at desks properly. Just like you may have a file cabinet and organizers for the office, ensure each desk has what it needs to stay clean.

Tip #3: Hire a Commercial Cleaning Service

The easiest tip we can give to keep an office space clean is to hire a commercial cleaning service. Leave your office neat every night without you having to lift a finger. Focus on your tasks and let the cleaners focus on theirs. They know how to achieve the best results, providing you with maximum value.

Tip #4: Remove What Doesn’t Need to Be There

If any unnecessary paperwork is on desks, take that paperwork away and file it. Pens with no ink should be thrown out. Sticky notes with outdated info can be tossed. Anything that makes it difficult to focus and that creates clutter and without serving much of a purpose, remove it from the office environment.

Tip #5: Tackle The Floor Every Night with A Sweep

Your office floor is going to get dirty every day. Tackle it in every cleaning session by at least giving it a sweep and vacuuming any rugs you may have. This will ensure your floors are kept spotless, and your workspace is maintained neatly.

Tip #6: Wipe Down Common-Touch Desk Surfaces

Focus on desk surfaces. Use wipes or disinfectant to wipe down the computer screen, keyboard, phone, desktop, and other nearby surfaces. Leave it looking new for the next time a worker comes in for a shift.

Tip #7: Don’t Neglect Shared Areas

Look at where office workers gather. Those are go-to areas for messes and debris to be left behind. An office cleaning should always involve cleaning shared areas like break rooms, bathrooms, and outdoor gathering spots.

Tip #8: Wipe Down Doorknobs, Light Switches, and Handles

Some of the dirtiest places in an office are doorknobs, light switches, refrigerator handles, faucet handles, and anything like this where you know many employees are touching the surface. Wipe down these areas with disinfectant to kill any bacteria that may be residing in these areas.

Tip #9: Dust Your Office from Top to Bottom

Dust accumulates everywhere. Dust is not the sort of thing you want in an office. Fortunately, dusting takes very little time and is well worth it. Don’t skip this step. Start at the office’s top in the corners of the ceiling and work your way down to the floor, dusting every surface.

Tip #10: Use Glass Cleaner to Tackle Windows

Every office has windows. Some may even have windows inside. These windows can get covered in fingerprint smudges. A little glass cleaner and a wipe are all you need to spray and erase these smudges, restoring your windows to clear as new.

Tip #110: Empty the Refrigerator Every Week

Food and drinks get left behind in the office fridge. This leads to bad smells and a look no one wants to see. Be sure to empty your office refrigerator at the end of every week to eliminate unpleasant smells and germs.

Tip #12: Never Leave the Garbage for Tomorrow

Do not leave the garbage for another day, no matter how little is in the bag. Make it a daily habit to empty the garbage. This avoids unpleasant smells and the spread of germs.

Tip #13: Get the Right Cleaning Products

There is no guesswork in office cleaning. If you’re not using a commercial cleaning service and are doing it yourself, having the right tools and cleaners for the job is imperative.

Learn how to use them correctly, i.e. not overusing or improperly using cleaners. When using the wrong cleaning solution or technique, you risk permanent damage and poor-quality results.

Tip #14: Schedule a Deep Clean Every Few Months

Your office needs deep disinfecting and sanitizing every few months to take care of anything that might be missing daily. These deep cleans are imperative to achieving a healthier work environment for all who enter. You may want to leave this task to cleaning professionals to get the best results.