Saving money can sometimes seem impossible, especially if you want to save a significant amount quickly. But with the proper preparation and strategies, it’s an achievable goal.

Since saving money takes commitment and dedication, sometimes you must make sacrifices. Regarding short-term saving, the best strategies can help boost the money you deposit into your savings account over the next six months.

If you hope to put away some extra cash in the next six months, there are some tips to help you make it happen. Let’s learn how to save 10K in 6 months:

1. Set Your Goal

Think about how much money you want to save in six months. Deciding on a specific amount is vital to break down what you must do to get there. Most people will find it helpful to identify what they are saving the money for. You may want to go on a vacation or renovate your home.

Whatever it is, having a wealth management goal in mind can help you stay focused as you move through the next six months.

2. Make a Budget

Creating a budget is essential to save money because a budget allows you to track your spending. You will calculate your income and expenses when you first draw up a budget. Include your savings goals to ensure that all your money is accounted for. Once you have all the numbers, you can look for areas where you can reduce spending and reallocate that money into savings. If you’ve never written out a budget, apps are available that make it simple to record and track your income and expenses.

3. Open a Savings Account

Open a new savings account specifically to deposit your new savings money. By starting this new account, you won’t be tempted to spend the extra money and can watch it grow. Savings accounts often have better interest rates than chequing accounts, so you can earn some extra while you save.

4. Pay Yourself

Paying yourself first is one of the best savings strategies out there. What does it mean to pay yourself? A certain pre-determined amount on each paycheck will go to your savings. This amount may be $25, $100 or a certain percentage of your check. What the number is doesn’t matter as long as you commit to paying yourself first before you pay anything else, even bills.

5. Cut Expenses

If you want to save money when you haven’t been able to, you will have to look for ways to reduce your expenses. You can look at many areas of your budget to make some trims. Look at how often you eat out and try to cook at home more often instead. Apply the 24-hour rule to all your purchases. This rule means that when you see something you want to buy, wait for one day and think about whether you need it or if it is something you could do without.

6. Automate your Savings

Setting up your bank accounts to automatically deposit your savings amount is an effective strategy for saving money. It works because you don’t have to consider putting the money aside; your bank does it for you. When you automate your savings, you can choose to stash away some cash at regular intervals. Most people do this at the same frequency as receiving a paycheck. Think about it this way: automatically saving $100 weekly will equal $2,600 in six months. If you can cut your expenses more and put away $200, you’re looking at over $5,000 in half a year.

7. Increase Your Income

Perhaps you’re already saving every bit of extra money you can from the income you are currently earning, and there’s just not enough to reach your short-term savings goal. In this case, you will need to seek ways to increase the amount of money you have coming in. There are many ways to bring in more money. For example, you could ask for a raise, sell unwanted items, rent an extra room, or take on a side gig.

8. Invest

There are lots of ways to invest your money. You might look at stocks, bonds, or mutual funds. Whatever you choose, investing your money can be an excellent way to grow your savings even more. Investing does come with some risks that simply putting your dollars into a savings account does not. However, investing also comes with the potential for higher rates of return, meaning you could end up with more in the bank than if you’d not invested at all.

The money in your savings account can also lose purchasing power in the long run if inflation continues to balloon. While there is no doubt that saving should be part of everyone’s financial plan, combining this with intelligent investment strategies is a good idea.