The 8 Common Budgeting Mistakes & How to Correct Them


When it comes to financial money management, most people always opt to make budgets that can help regulate their overall spending. This is a good thing. At least you are taking steps towards checking and managing your funds. However, in as much as you may be making your budget to help you with your finances, you may also end up making a few blunders here and there which may end up costing you more.

When it comes to financial money management, most people always opt to make budgets that can help regulate their overall spending. This is a good thing. At least you are taking steps towards checking and managing your funds. However, in as much as you may be making your budget to help you with your finances, you may also end up making a few blunders here and there which may end up costing you more.

In this article, we will discuss with you some of the blunders that you may make in your budgets and how you can fix them.

1. Making it too rigid

Not every month will amount to the same spending. And that’s why it is important that you make your budget a flexible one to fit any situation that your next and coming months will be like. Inflexible budgets are very difficult to stick to. And that can also make them very easy to set aside as they end up derailing your plans instead.

2. Forgetting to use a system

You may have a good idea about how you want to track your budget. Many budget tracking applications like Mint are available for smartphones and even PC programs for the same. Other people prefer to use the old-fashioned envelope approach which is also great.

Before you make a budget, you, first, need to figure out which system is going to work best for you. And not end up straining you more, and follow it strictly.

3. Making impulse purchases

Impulse shopping has been known to make even the best of budgets useless. So, unless you choose to strictly stick to your budget, there is no need to even create one in the first place.

Work out the best ways to rid yourself of impulse shopping and you will see everything start falling into place.

4. Not including quarterly and semi-annual bills

Some people are also known to unintentionally fail to include their quarterly or annual bills in their budgets only for these bills to catch up with them later when they are due.

Ensure that you also consider the irregular bills like insurance payments, medical bills for the planned doctor visits, vehicle maintenance payments, and annual tax bills in your budget.

5. Forgetting savings

For most people, the main purpose of creating a budget is usually to save. So, what happens when you create this really good budget but forget to include savings?

But it’s a great idea to include savings for emergencies that may pop up at unexpected times. You can also set savings goals in your budget to help you with the same.

6. Not including long-term money goals

Most people only usually include their short-term goals in their budgets but fail to put their long-term goals there as well. But this isn’t good practice. One long term goal people always forget is paying their loans. Timely payment of your loans will not only improve your credit score but also give you more freedom to manage your finances.

You should also include a section of your budget for long-term money goals. Set aside even just $10 each month towards the long-term goals. It can even motivate you to stick to your budget more.

7. Not budging on fixed expenses

In instances where you have fixed expenses like rent, cable bills, and car payments, most people think that these expenses are unalterable. And end up making them fixed in their budgets.

But the thing is that these expenses can be altered. And simply at that. What if you decide to move to a cheaper apartment? Or negotiate with the cable company on their prices? Maybe even trade your vehicle for an older model? Those can work.

8. Not reviewing your budget for any inaccuracies

Some people will create their budget and leave it at that without reviewing them for any inaccuracies or errors. They may look okay for the first month. But what’s next now that you are in the second month? And the months after that.

Monthly budgets can’t be the same for each month. And for that reason, you need to make a monthly review for your budget and make revisions on it to fit the month that you are in.

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